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Sandy Suburban Improvement District

8855 South 700 West Sandy, UT 84070

Sewer Treatment

As adopted by the Board of Trustees, the purpose of the District is to provide public sanitary sewer collection and transportation services to the residents situated within the legal boundaries of the District, and to exercise all powers conferred upon the District by the laws of the State of Utah.

The Trustees promulgate policies, rules, and regulations to provide sanitary sewer collecting in a safe, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner.

Sandy Suburban consists of a majority of Sandy City, a small area of Midvale City, and Salt Lake County unincorporated areas, with a total population of approximately 45,000 residents. Sandy Suburban owns and operates approximately 160 miles of sewer collection lines, which convey and deliver waste water to the South Valley Water Reclamation Facility in West Jordan, Salt Lake County, for proper handling and disposal.

District History

On December 5th, 1958, after receiving testimony and evidence at a public hearing, the Salt Lake County Commissioners by resolution created the Sandy Suburban Improvement District.

The District was established and declared duly organized, under the State of Utah, Chapter 6, Title 17, Utah Code Annotated 1953, as amended. Since its creation, Sandy Suburban has been governed by a three-member elected board of trustees.


Salt Lake County

Contact Details

Jerry Knight, Manager  

Phone (801) 561-7662