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South Valley Sewer District 801-571-1166

874 East 12400 South 801-571-1166 Draper, UT 84020

Mission Statement
It is the mission and purpose of the South Valley Sewer District to provide public sanitary sewer service, including collection and treatment of sewage, to all properties located within the boundaries of the District in an orderly manner as rapidly as District finances will permit. The Board of Trustees retains the right, in its sole discretion, to determine the financial feasibility, location of, and time of installation of all extensions of the District’s sewer system. 801-571-1166 MAIN OFFICE

Resolution 2-26-92-2

South Valley Sewer District Overview
The South Valley Sewer District (f/n/a Salt Lake County Sewerage Improvement District No. 1) was established in 1961 by resolution of the Salt Lake County Commission. On January 1, 2001 as a result of legislation enacted by the Utah State legislature, the District changed is name to the South Valley Sewer District.
Salt Lake County has no oversight responsibility over the District. Therefore, the District is not included by any other governmental reporting entity. The District is responsible for the collection and distribution of sewage effluent within the entities of Bluffdale, Draper, Riverton, South Jordan, Herriman, southern portion of Sandy, a small portion of West Jordan City and the unincorporated portions in the southwest area of the Salt Lake Valley (including Copperton).
The District has an estimated 698 miles (as of August 2005) of public sanitary sewer lines in the ground. The majority of the effluent collects from the west side and east side of the valley and flows toward the Jordan River, with main trunk lines through the river bottom which carries the effluent to the treatment facility, South Valley Water Reclamation Facility. The exception to this is in Utah County where effluent flows south into the Timpanogos Improvement District in American Fork
The District is governed by seven members, known as the Board of Trustees. Members of the Board of Trustees are elected (five) and appointed (two) and have decision making authority, the authority to levy taxes, the power to designate management, the ability to significantly influence operation and primary accountability for fiscal matters.

Serving... Bluffdale, Copperton, Draper, Herriman, Riverton, South Jordan and South Sandy.


Salt Lake County
(801) 571-5339

Contact Details

Craig White  

Phone (801) 571-1166