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Southwest Mosquito Abatement District

1460 S Sandhill Drive Washington City, UT 84780

Constitution, Boundary, Mission statement

The Southwest Mosquito Abatement and Control District was legally created on December 6, 2002.

BOUNDARY: The boundary of the District is the boundary of Washington County

MISSION STATEMENT: The mission of the Southwest Mosquito Abatement and Control District is:

To represent the citizens of Washington County in setting policies leading to the enhancement of health and quality of life through abatement and control of mosquito populations, which cause a nuisance and can also be vectors of diseases.
To provide safe, effective, and economical mosquito control.
To practice integrated mosquito management principles.
To fulfill this mission the following principles are applied:

The prevention of mosquito transmitted diseases and the protection of human and animal health are the primary concerns.

Research is an integral part of the mission.

The District is highly sensitive to environmental concerns and committed to the protection of the environment.
Best management practices utilizing scientifically accepted control methods are encouraged.
The District will cooperate with other organizations, agencies, and individuals necessary to fulfill the mission.
The District will cooperate with landowners to minimize our impact on private lands.



Contact Details

Sean Amodt, District Manager  

Phone (435) 627-0076