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Taylorsville-Bennion Improvement District

1800 West 4700 South P.O. Box 18579 Taylorsville, UT 84118-8579

Taylorsville-Bennion Improvement District is located six miles southwest of the south end of the Salt Lake City business district and is in the center of the Salt Lake Valley. The District is bordered on the north by West Valley City, on the west by the community of Kearns, on the south by West Jordan and on the east by the Jordan River. Its land mass contains about 14 square miles.

The area was originally settled in 1849 by Mormon settlers who were converted to the Mormon faith in England by church leader John Taylor. Brothers John and Samuel Bennion were called to settle this area by their friend John Taylor. As their posterity grew, they moved into the areas south of the original settlement. These two communities grew together as Taylorsville and Bennion into what has become known as the City of Taylorsville. The City was incorporated in 1996 and operates independently of the District with a slightly different boundary.

The District was created in 1957 as an independent water and sewer special service district under the laws of Salt Lake County. The need for the District grew out of the necessity to provide life sustaining water and sewer disposal needs of an ever increasing population. In a little over 160 years, the community has grown in number from a few families to over 70,000 people. Initially, there were less than 100 connections but today, there are some 16,700.

In the beginning, the District sent its wastewater to another sewer district to be treated. Later, in the 70′s and early 80′s the federal government required consolidation of all treatment plants into large regional facilities. In 1987 the regional plant opened and the District combined with six sister entities to form the Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility.

Westside Water was the predecessor of the water system that began in 1915 and was dissolved and split up between the District and the West Jordan in 1965. Today the District serves its residents through 22 wells, and contracts with the county wholesaler, Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District, for additional water needs.

The area started as a farming community and now consists largely of homes and multi-family dwellings with pockets of commercial stores and shops and no large industrial businesses. The District is organized with a board or three elected trustees who serve four year terms. The board sets the policy of the District and employs a General Manager to manage the day-to-day affairs of the district. With the staff, they maintain the 181 miles of sewer lines and 229 miles of water lines.


Salt Lake County

Contact Details

Kieth Lord  

Phone (801) 968-9081